4 months in China Ended with Victory of the league

I have worked in Italy, Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia, Qatar, Norway and this year in China. 

Well, honestly i have been to China in July 2015, to Dalian Puwan Anbo, the same team i came back this year, but unfortunately, the bad health of my father, forced me to break the contract after 1 month and half. For my personality, i don´t like not to finish a project when i start.....that´s why, when the president of the team call me back this year to try to win the league i could not refuse.

It´s not easy to work in China, the first obstacle is the language, because very, but very few people understand English....and i believe that communication is the base of success. And it´s not easy to find a good translator too, a person which could transfer my ideas, my philosophy, my vision of futsal. Luckily we found a student, Nicholas (who i really give my deep thankfulness for the superb job he has done, for trying to understand me, and for his incredible passion and positive behavior), who even without experience bring a great enthusiasm and undesrtood immediately my way of working and my vision of futsal.

I started day 8th of Feberuary, watching last 2 games of first round of the league, Zuhai vs. Dalian and Shenzen vs.Dalian. I immediately understood the potential of the team(a team completely different from the one i left just a year before)....the most difficult thing to win the league would have been to make players be aware of their potential and keeping high intensity in training. I believe in the philosophy: 'we play as we train and we perform as we live'

I inserted different moral values as respect and priority to group over every individual players. I tried little by little to change some habits of players, both in training and in private life.....i know that change a culture is impossible, and it was not my target...but make them understand that playing respecting some moral values inside and outside the fields....and it was the key of our success.

We completely changed the way of playing and the way to approach the game. If we wanted to be the best, we had to play every game as the best, go to play and be protagonist....not wait for opponent mistake. Be owner of our destiny....if we try to lead the rythm of the game, if we will win will be our merit and if we will loose will be because we have done some mostakes....the best never wait for opponent mistakes....and it was our way from first day of training.

 The group was a mix between old players (who not always could come to training due to their job) and university students....and not easy to mix. Anyway the group was made by 'man', who understood what i asked by them and put their individual talent to the service of the group...they accepted all the tactical changes we made, and they saw game by game a progress, a growing up.

I led the team in 14 games, 9 in regular season and 5 in play off

13 victories and 1 lost

74 goal scored and 24 goal received

5 games played and 5 victories in playoff

This is the sign of a strong mental power and awarness and believe in team strenght and team way of play.


My deepest thanks go to all the players, my staff, the president and general manager of Dalian, Mr. Domingo who brought me to China and all the people who came to support the team in every game.

Next season we will work to be champion again. 


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